The Future of Law Schools Conference – Organized by the Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute

Tomorrow I will be speaking at The Future of Law Schools Conference – Organized by the Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute.

Here is our panel which kicks off the afternoon –

David Curle, Director, Market Intelligence, Thomson Reuters Legal

Daniel B. Rodriguez, Dean @ Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
Joseph Harroz, Dean @ University of Oklahoma
Daniel Martin Katz, Assoc. Prof @ Illinois Tech – Chicago Kent Law
Gabriel H. Teninbaum, Professor @ Suffolk University Law School
Tanina Rostain, Professor @ Georgetown Law

Harvard Law Seeks to Attract STEM Students

There is an old adage which states that “Innovation is doing the obvious before it is obvious to others.”  Suffice to say – this is a totally obvious but it also very correct.  Getting at least some STEM folks to help lead law forward is really important for the future of this field.  So kudos to Harvard for doing this – particularly because as they say in the NFL — this is a ‘copycat league.’

“School officials particularly hope to lure students interested in science, technology, engineering and math to the field of law, because advanced technical knowledge and skills are in demand. “It’s incredibly valuable to have your attorney understand the underlying biology or the underlying coding systems or the underlying physics that are driving the legal questions,” said Jessica Soban, associate dean for admissions and strategic initiatives.

It is worth noting that this quote frames the effort as working to develop lawyers for technology – which is the right way to sell this idea to a conservative (intelligent but not technically inclined) faculty.

The obvious flip side of this is that some subset of these same folks will also help champion technology (and innovation) for law itself.  I would expect HLS to try to make some sort of play in this direction (but would need more folks with relevant technical skills on the core faculty) … perhaps they could consider a Joint Venture with that other academic institution in Cambridge ?

Co-Teaching Legal Process Improvement + Legal Project Management Class : Illinois Tech – Chicago Kent College of Law / Seyfarth Lean

This week we kicked off the semester for our @ChicagoKentLaw / @SeyfarthShawLLP Legal Process Improvement / Legal Project Management Class.  This 15 week two credit class will be among the very first of its kind to be taught at a law school.  

I am very honored to have the opportunity to work with the Seyfarth Lean Consulting team – Kim R. Craig, Larissa Kruzel, Kyle Hoover on this course! #leanlaw #legaltech #sixsigmaforlawyers #LPM #legalprocessimprovement #legalengineering

Final Preparations for the Chicago Kent – Janders Dean Legal Horizon Conference on July 14th

Last minute A/V prep for the Chicago Kent – Janders Dean Legal Horizon Conference on July 14th at the Chicago Kent Auditorium.

This is the first conference I have helped organize since the 800+ person ReInventLaw NYC 2014 at Cooper Union and it looks to continue the conversation about #LegalInnovation #LegalServiceDelivery #LegalTech #LegalEdu  #LegalAnalytics, etc.

Our speaking faculty includes:
•    Scott Curran (Beyond Advisers & Clinton Foundation )
•    Kate Johnson (Google)
•    Joe Otterstetter (3M)
•    Jim Guszcza (Deloitte)
•    Lucy Bassli (Microsoft)
•    Nicole Shanahan (ClearAccessIP)
•    Bill Painter (Baker Donelson)
•    Lisa Colpoys (Illinois Legal Aid Online)
•    John Fernandez (Dentons/Nextlaw Labs)
•    Lisa Damon (Seyfarth Shaw)
•    Betsy Braham (ComplianceHR)
•    Martha Cotton (gravitytank)
•    Jeannette Eicks (Vermont Law – Center for Legal Innovation)
•    Jay Hull (Davis Wright – De Novo)
•    Ray Bayley (Novus Law)
•    Nina Kilbride (Eris Industries)
•    Alma Asay  (Allegory Law)
•    Gail Swanson (18F) + Porta Anitporta (18F)
•    Betsy Braham (Neota Logic)
•    Dan Katz (Chicago-Kent College of Law + LexPredict)
•    Ryan McClead  (HighQ)
•    Neil Araujo (iManage)

There have been lots of interesting developments over the past two years and I look forward to the 20+ speakers, 1 Stage, No Panels … its should be pretty packed house …

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