Nice to see Game of Life get some coverage in the NY Times … takes me back to my time at Michigan Complex Systems and teaching the ICPSR Summer School Class in Complex Systems … I was sad to see that we lost John Conway to COVID earlier this year.
Nice to see Game of Life get some coverage in the NY Times … takes me back to my time at Michigan Complex Systems and teaching the ICPSR Summer School Class in Complex Systems … I was sad to see that we lost John Conway to COVID earlier this year.
Link to report here
We are very pleased to announce pre-orders for “Legal Informatics” (Cambridge University Press – (Coming in early 2021) are now available on Amazon / Cambridge. Our book is designed to be an introduction to the academic discipline underlying the economic and technological transformation of the legal industry. Legal Informatics features contributions from more than two dozen academic and industry experts, chapters cover the history and principles of legal informatics and background technical concepts – including natural language processing and distributed ledger technology. The volume also presents real-world case studies that offer important insights into document review, due diligence, compliance, case prediction, billing, negotiation and settlement, contracting, patent management, legal research, and online dispute resolution. It is hardbound book ~600 pages in length.
#LegalInformatics #LegalTech #LegalInnovation #MachineLearning #NetworkScience #NLP #LegalScience
Yesterday – Pat Daugherty @daughertylawyer from Foley and Lardner gave a guest lecture in our Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Law at Illinois Tech – Chicago Kent Law. The lecture was entitled “When Howey Met Satoshi: Securities Law and Digital Assets.” Lots of key ideas and a very good capstone for us this semester.