Tech Will Force Lawyers to Do More for Those Billable Hours (via Wired)
Today I am quoted in a story in Wired about Legal Tech and its role in shaping change within the legal industry …
Three and a Half Degrees of Separation (via Facebook Research)
Starting with the original Milgram research in the 1960’s to the Dodds, Muhamad & Watts (2003) paper in Science, the exploration of the social distance between individuals in society has been a topic of interest to many scientists. This new release from researchers at Facebook highlights that social distance is indeed declining. For those who might be interested – I detail in these slides and these slides the history of the small world research.
Noisy Signaling vs. Verifiable Talent – Arbitrage in the Modern Labor Market(s)
It is a global battle for talent and labor market(s) are full of noisy signaling (such as elite credentialing, etc.) The question for many organizations is how to arbitrage the existing labor market(s) and find undervalued talent. Competitions such as Kaggle, etc. allow for serious and verifiable demonstrations of skill which can help overcome the strong prestige laden priors held by many managers (or in this case VC’s).