Final Preparations for the Chicago Kent – Janders Dean Legal Horizon Conference on July 14th

Last minute A/V prep for the Chicago Kent – Janders Dean Legal Horizon Conference on July 14th at the Chicago Kent Auditorium.

This is the first conference I have helped organize since the 800+ person ReInventLaw NYC 2014 at Cooper Union and it looks to continue the conversation about #LegalInnovation #LegalServiceDelivery #LegalTech #LegalEdu  #LegalAnalytics, etc.

Our speaking faculty includes:
•    Scott Curran (Beyond Advisers & Clinton Foundation )
•    Kate Johnson (Google)
•    Joe Otterstetter (3M)
•    Jim Guszcza (Deloitte)
•    Lucy Bassli (Microsoft)
•    Nicole Shanahan (ClearAccessIP)
•    Bill Painter (Baker Donelson)
•    Lisa Colpoys (Illinois Legal Aid Online)
•    John Fernandez (Dentons/Nextlaw Labs)
•    Lisa Damon (Seyfarth Shaw)
•    Betsy Braham (ComplianceHR)
•    Martha Cotton (gravitytank)
•    Jeannette Eicks (Vermont Law – Center for Legal Innovation)
•    Jay Hull (Davis Wright – De Novo)
•    Ray Bayley (Novus Law)
•    Nina Kilbride (Eris Industries)
•    Alma Asay  (Allegory Law)
•    Gail Swanson (18F) + Porta Anitporta (18F)
•    Betsy Braham (Neota Logic)
•    Dan Katz (Chicago-Kent College of Law + LexPredict)
•    Ryan McClead  (HighQ)
•    Neil Araujo (iManage)

There have been lots of interesting developments over the past two years and I look forward to the 20+ speakers, 1 Stage, No Panels … its should be pretty packed house …

Learn more here:

Quantified Law Primer & Agile Legal Project Management Workshop

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In conjunction with Janders Dean International, and SeyfarthLean Consulting we are excited to offer two, half-day educational sessions on July 13th 2016.

Quantified Law Primer (Morning SESSION)
Instructors: Daniel Martin Katz (Chicago-Kent College of Law), Karl Haraldsson (Janders Dean), and Andrew Baker (Janders Dean)

Agile LPM Workshop (Afternoon SESSION)
Instructors: Kim Craig (SeyfarthLean Consulting), Andrew Baker (Janders Dean), and Justin North (Janders Dean)

These workshops are to be held in conjunction with the Chicago Kent- Janders Dean Legal Horizon Conference on July 14th in Chicago.  The Legal Horizon event features more than 20+ speakers in a single day, single stage event.

Janders Dean & Chicago-Kent College of Law – Present the Legal Horizons Conference (July 14, 2016)

Screen Shot 2016-05-25 at 6.06.11 PM“Our exclusive audience will be a deliberate mix of private practice lawyers, corporate legal champions, public sector standouts, senior knowledge and technology personnel, representatives from the emerging and evolving areas of legal pricing, process improvement, project management and service delivery enhancement, – and educators from leading institutions. We believe that at events such as this one, the best knowledge sharing comes from a delegate community whose job titles have been “mixed up to fix it up”.

We’re pleased to confirm that we have assembled a unique speaking faculty to bring you lessons from both inside and outside of the legal industry. These voices represent consumers and suppliers of legal services, scholars, and individuals dedicated to social justice.

Representatives from a vast range of organizations will present on the day, sharing their experiences on a variety of successes and failures. Delegates will share insights on emerging trends and issues, discuss real successes and failures, and absorb opportunities to transform the practice of law. We aim to give you the inspiration to do something different when you return to work.”  Learn More Here – 

Stanford CodeX Future Law 2016 Conference @ Stanford Law School

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Tomorrow I will be at the Stanford CodeX Future Law 2016 Conference @Stanford Law School.  I will be moderating the following panel:

Hot or Not – Watson and Beyond 

What data analytics technologies are in use today?
What’s real and what’s marketing buzz?
What’s possible in the foreseeable future?
What are the implications for providers and consumers of legal services?
What are the limitations?
What are the policy implications?

Professor Dan Katz,
Illinois Tech – Chicago-Kent College of Law, @computational

Noah Waisberg, Kira Systems, @nwaisb
Khalid Al-Kofahi, Thomson Reuters, @KKofahi
Charles Horowitz, The MITRE Corporation Informatics
Andrew Arruda, ROSS Intelligence, @AndrewArruda
Himabindu Lakkaraju, Stanford University, @hima_bindu