Scenes from today’s #MakeLawBetter Conference here at Chicago Kent College of Law ! #legalinnovation #legaleducation #legaltech
Scenes from today’s #MakeLawBetter Conference here at Chicago Kent College of Law ! #legalinnovation #legaleducation #legaltech
Final List of Speakers is Announced for The MakeLawBetter Conference @ Illinois Tech – Chicago Kent College of Law. Tickets are **#FREE** but Registration is Required.
The Event will be a high energy day featuring some of the leaders in the field of #LegalInnovation. Videos from previous Law Lab events can be found at TheLawLabChannel.com
See you next week 08.15.19 in Chicago!
Managing LIBOR Risk through Technology-Assisted Review (Access WhitePaper) … Learn How ContraxSuite can help you remediate or repaper contracts for LIBOR!
We are very happy that Clifford Chance has selected ContraxSuite and LexNLP to power its Legal Data Science Lab … Overall, I think there is increasing interest in flexible AI toolkits as opposed to individual point solutions. We are happy that a number of leading law firms, including Clifford Chance, have chosen to license our offerings, including but not limited to ContraxSuite and LexNLP.
#LegalTech #LegalAI #LegalData #LegalDataScience
See Coverage in Artificial Lawyer and Press Release
Today Professor Dr. Wolfgang Hoffmann-Riem of Bucerius Law School — Former Justice on the German (Supreme) Constitutional Court – provided the Opening Lecture at the Bucerius Summer School in Legal Technology & Operations … Many more Lectures to follow over the next three weeks !
On August 15, 2019 – The Law Lab at Illinois Tech Chicago-Kent College of Law presents #MakeLawBetter – A Conference on Legal Innovation. Tickets are *FREE* but registration is required. So please visit makelawbetterconference.com for a registration link.
Continuing its legacy as an academic leader in legal technology and innovation, Chicago-Kent will bring together a wide-ranging and diverse group of industry leaders and academics for this day long event. Speakers will be announced over the coming weeks but videos from previous Law Lab events can be found at TheLawLabChannel.com
We will see you in Chicago on 08.15.19 ! #LegalInnovation #LegalTech #LegalData #LegalEducation
#LegalTechnology #LegalAI
Today I gave the afternoon Keynote at the Workshop on Natural Legal Language Processing (NLLP) which was part of the larger North American Association of Computational Linguistics Conference here in Minneapolis. Strong group of interdisciplinary scientists, lawyers and engineers.
Yesterday I ran the anchor leg (i.e. gave the closing Keynote) at the Artificial Intelligence and Law Summit — Hosted by the Law Society of England and Wales here in London!
#LegalAI #LegalTech #LegalInnovation
Exciting to teach my Legal Informatics + Technology Course here in the GPLLM Program as a Visiting Professor here at the University of Toronto Law — #LegalTech #LegalData #LegalInnovation #MakeLawBetter #LegalEducation
The First Workshop on Natural Legal Language Processing (NLLP) will take place as part of the larger North American Association of Computational Linguistics Conference in Minneapolis June 2019. NAACL is one of the premier technical events in the field of NLP / Computational Linguistics. Thus, I am very happy to give one of the Keynotes at this workshop. It is one more step toward making Legal Informatics and Legal AI / NLP a mainstream idea within the technically oriented portion of the academy.
I plan to highlight both my work with Mike Bommarito and others as well as provide an overview of the state of the field from both a technical and commercial perspective.
Full house last night for Chicago Legal Innovation and Technology Meetup at Skadden during ABATechShow Week here in Chicago. Both Dan Linna and yours truly (Dan Katz) thank you for attending.
Thanks to our host Kim deBeers from Skadden for having us !
Thanks for our speakers —
• Kristen Sonday
• Ivy Grey
• Kristian Hammond
• Robert Ambrogi
• Chicago-Kent College of Law Student, Benjamin Jackson
• Northwestern Law Students, Andrea Leon Garcia, Julio R., Brian Trujillo, Weihua (Melody) Yao
Today I am in Oslo giving the Keynote Address at the University of Oslo – Network Analysis and Machine Learning in Law Conference. Some very cool papers have been will be presented –https://www.jus.uio.no/
Call For Papers: “The empirical turn in legal scholarship has intensified with the integration of a new quantitative and computational methods. In our second annual workshop on law and social science methods, we call for papers on two increasingly popular approaches: network science and machine learning. We are especially interested in papers that seek to deepen the understanding of these methods or apply them to doctrinal or interdisciplinary questions in areas such as criminology, international law, corporate Law and sustainable development.
The Keynote Speaker for the workshop is Dan Katz, Illinois Tech – Chicago Kent College of Law, who has been a pioneer in the use of both methods in understanding and predicting the behavior of the US Supreme Court and advancing the field of legal technology”
Abstracts of approximately 200 words should be submitted to Martin Nøkleberg and Hanna Ahlström by 22 August 2018.
Acceptance of papers will be notified by 1 September 2018.
Papers should be submitted by 24 September 2018.
Workshop 10-11 October 2018 at the University of Olso