It was my pleasure to deliver the opening keynote address at London CLOC 2020 ! #LegalTech #LegalData #LegalInnovation #LegalOps
It was my pleasure to deliver the opening keynote address at London CLOC 2020 ! #LegalTech #LegalData #LegalInnovation #LegalOps
Exciting day here at MIT Media Lab … thanks to Dazza Greenwood for hosting me … looking forward to future collaborations including the MIT Computational Law Report! It was particularly cool as I did author a paper called “The MIT School of Law” …
#ComputationalLaw #AI #Engineering #Computation #Science #Governance
Fun day today here in Oxford and this afternoon I had the pleasure of giving a Lecture in the AI4Law Workshop at University of Oxford Faculty of Law — thanks to all off the participants and my hosts Mari Sako, John Armour & Richard Parnham #LegalAI #AI4Law #LegalTech #LegalInnovation
Today I spent the day at the European Central Bank here in Frankfurt and discussed AI, Digitization and the impact on law … thanks to Valérie Saintot 🇪🇺and her colleagues for hosting ! #LegalInnovation #LegalTech #Digitization #FinLegalTech #fintech #ai #law
It was my pleasure to speak today at the International Financial Corporation – IFC (World Bank Group). Let’s #MakeLawBetter ! #legalinnovation #legaltech
This past week I kicked off my visit here in Hamburg with a public lecture at Bucerius Law School ! The Presentation was an updated version of this #MakeLawBetter Presentation from 2018. #makelawbetter #legaldata #legaltech #legalnlp #legalai #legalinnovation
Last minute A/V prep for the Chicago Kent – Janders Dean Legal Horizon Conference on July 14th at the Chicago Kent Auditorium.
This is the first conference I have helped organize since the 800+ person ReInventLaw NYC 2014 at Cooper Union and it looks to continue the conversation about #LegalInnovation #LegalServiceDelivery #LegalTech #LegalEdu #LegalAnalytics, etc.
Our speaking faculty includes:
• Scott Curran (Beyond Advisers & Clinton Foundation )
• Kate Johnson (Google)
• Joe Otterstetter (3M)
• Jim Guszcza (Deloitte)
• Lucy Bassli (Microsoft)
• Nicole Shanahan (ClearAccessIP)
• Bill Painter (Baker Donelson)
• Lisa Colpoys (Illinois Legal Aid Online)
• John Fernandez (Dentons/Nextlaw Labs)
• Lisa Damon (Seyfarth Shaw)
• Betsy Braham (ComplianceHR)
• Martha Cotton (gravitytank)
• Jeannette Eicks (Vermont Law – Center for Legal Innovation)
• Jay Hull (Davis Wright – De Novo)
• Ray Bayley (Novus Law)
• Nina Kilbride (Eris Industries)
• Alma Asay (Allegory Law)
• Gail Swanson (18F) + Porta Anitporta (18F)
• Betsy Braham (Neota Logic)
• Dan Katz (Chicago-Kent College of Law + LexPredict)
• Ryan McClead (HighQ)
• Neil Araujo (iManage)
There have been lots of interesting developments over the past two years and I look forward to the 20+ speakers, 1 Stage, No Panels … its should be pretty packed house …
Learn more here: http://chicago.jandersdean.com/#about
LexPredict is an enterprise legal technology and consulting firm, specializing in the application of best-in-class processes and technologies from the technology, financial services, and logistics industries to the practice of law, compliance, insurance, and risk management.
We focus on the goals of prediction, optimization, and risk management to enable holistic organizational changes that empower legal decision-making. These changes span people and processes, software and data, and execution and education.
We offer some initial conversation of the application of Blockchain to legal services in our deck called Fin(Legal)Tech. Obvious starting points for the blockchain in law include – real estate transactions, smart contracting, asset verification and the enforcement of judgements, financial services regulatory work (such as we have discussed in our paper on resolution planning), etc. These ideas (together with other related and important technological developments) extend to large segments of transactional / regulatory legal space. The goal is to reduce needless friction – which is endemic to most processes ( and legal centered processes are particularly bad).