Access Full Story Here (via Neil Rose at Legal Futures).
Congrats to MDR — it is another example of Fin Legal Tech !
Access Full Story Here (via Neil Rose at Legal Futures).
Congrats to MDR — it is another example of Fin Legal Tech !
Sign up for the Session Here – Brought to you by Lexis Nexus !
I am thrilled to serve on the Program Committee for the International Workshop on Mining and Learning in the Legal Domain (MLLD-2021) which will be held in conjunction with the 21st IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (the world’s premier Data Mining Conference).
Read Post Here. Read some of the Original Coverage Here.
Like with any human + machine bundle … there will be questions about how to audit / ensure quality. That said, this seems highly likely to positively impact the economics of software development.
Access the NLLP Workshop Site here. I was honored to give the Keynote Address back at the 2019 Edition of this Workshop and I am thrilled to serve on the Program Committee for the 2021 Edition of NLLP.
Very cool moment for my former MSU Law Student Chase Hertel !
Starting June 21, 2021 – it is the 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL).
I am pleased to have served as a member of the Program Committee. Overall, it is a very strong set of academic papers exploring the intersection of AI + Law.
Our Paper “Measuring Law Over Time: A Network Analytical Framework with Application to Statutes and Regulations in United States and Germany” has now been published in Frontiers in Physics (Open Access) < Main Article > < Supplemental Material >
“We present a comprehensive framework for analyzing legal documents as multi-dimensional, dynamic document networks. We demonstrate the utility of this framework by applying it to an original dataset of statutes and regulations from two different countries, the United States and Germany, spanning more than twenty years (1998–2019). Our framework provides tools for assessing the size and connectivity of the legal system as viewed through the lens of specific document collections as well as for tracking the evolution of individual legal documents over time. Implementing the framework for our dataset, we find that at the federal level, the United States legal system is increasingly dominated by regulations, whereas the German legal system remains governed by statutes. This holds regardless of whether we measure the systems at the macro, the meso, or the micro level.”
Slides from my Virtual Talk at the Indian Institute of Technology – Delhi. In this presentation, I highlight the Complexity Challenge in Law, Six Forms of Modeling Legal Systems and conclude with some thoughts about Law + STEM.Thanks to the following orgs for hosting me – DAKSH, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, National Law University, Delhi & DCoE IIT, Delhi
I recently sat down with Mark Beer, OBE for an Episode of the AIFC LegalTech Podcast.
Mark Beer, OBE is the Chairman of the AIFC LawTech Advisory Council and the AIFC podcast is all about legal tech and innovation in the legal industry.
Access the PODCAST HERE.
More information about AIFC (Kazakhstan) is Available Here.
Excited to help advise this new Center at IIT Delhi.
Access Article Here (via The Leaflet)
It is a great pleasure to deliver a Virtual Talk today at IIT-Delhi — “Modeling the Law & Justice System” on May 25th 2021.
I will highlight the Complexity Challenge in Law, Six Forms of Modeling Legal Systems and concluded with some thoughts about Law+STEM.
Thanks to DAKSH, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, National Law University, Delhi and the DCoE IIT, Delhi for hosting me.
Many contributors to THIS VOLUME include — Sharad Goel, Jennifer Skeem, Ravi Shroff, c Chris Slobogin, Stephen Caines, Daniel Ho, Daniel Seng, Przemyslaw Palka, Marco Lippi, Benjamin Alarie, Anthony Niblett, Albert Yoon, Harry Surden, Ashkon Farhangi, Ajay Sohmshetty, Ashraf Bah Rabiou, Daniel Katz, Michael Bommarito, Eric Detterman, Dirk Hartung, Johannes (Jan) C. Scholtes, H. Jaap van den Herik, Katherine Strandburg, John Nay, Ricardo Vieira de Carvalho Fernandes, Hugo Honda, Mary-Anne Williams, Bernhard Waltl, Roberto V. Zicari, Florian Möslein, Bart Verheij, Heng Zheng, James Yoon, Daniel W. Linna Jr., Mauritz Kop, Shlomit Labin, Uri Segal, Andrew Antos, Nischal Nadhamuni, Martí Manent
We are pleased to contribute our Chapter –
Michael Bommarito, Daniel Martin Katz & Eric Detterman, LexNLP: Natural Language Processing and Information Extraction For Legal and Regulatory Texts in Research Handbook on Big Data Law (Edward Elgar Press) (Roland Vogl, ed.) (2021)