Many contributors to THIS VOLUME include — Sharad Goel, Jennifer Skeem, Ravi Shroff, c Chris Slobogin, Stephen Caines, Daniel Ho, Daniel Seng, Przemyslaw Palka, Marco Lippi, Benjamin Alarie, Anthony Niblett, Albert Yoon, Harry Surden, Ashkon Farhangi, Ajay Sohmshetty, Ashraf Bah Rabiou, Daniel Katz, Michael Bommarito, Eric Detterman, Dirk Hartung, Johannes (Jan) C. Scholtes, H. Jaap van den Herik, Katherine Strandburg, John Nay, Ricardo Vieira de Carvalho Fernandes, Hugo Honda, Mary-Anne Williams, Bernhard Waltl, Roberto V. Zicari, Florian Möslein, Bart Verheij, Heng Zheng, James Yoon, Daniel W. Linna Jr., Mauritz Kop, Shlomit Labin, Uri Segal, Andrew Antos, Nischal Nadhamuni, Martí Manent
We are pleased to contribute our Chapter –
Michael Bommarito, Daniel Martin Katz & Eric Detterman, LexNLP: Natural Language Processing and Information Extraction For Legal and Regulatory Texts in Research Handbook on Big Data Law (Edward Elgar Press) (Roland Vogl, ed.) (2021)