This is my Presentation for the NALP Conference on Emerging Legal Careers.
Honored to deliver the keynote at yesterday’s NALP Summit on Emerging Careers for Law Grads
Join us at Skadden during ABA Techshow Week. We will begin at 5:00 p.m. with networking and kick off the program at 5:30 p.m.
Dan Linna (@DanLinna) & Dan Katz (@computational) kick off the program
How To Find North: Navigating the New Disruption – Eddie Hartman, Co-founder, LegalZoom (@EddieRHartman)
The Dirtiest Word in Legal – Dan Lear, Director of Industry Relations, Avvo (@rightbrainlaw)
Networking through the Internet: Taking Lawyers Where They’ve Never Gone Before – Kevin O’Keefe, CEO & Founder, LexBlog (@kevinokeefe)
Talk Title TBD – Amani Smathers, Legal Solutions Architect, Davis Wright Tremaine De Novo (@R_Amani)
This week we kicked off the semester for our @ChicagoKentLaw / @SeyfarthShawLLP Legal Process Improvement / Legal Project Management Class. This 15 week two credit class will be among the very first of its kind to be taught at a law school.
I am very honored to have the opportunity to work with the Seyfarth Lean Consulting team – Kim R. Craig, Larissa Kruzel, Kyle Hoover on this course! #leanlaw #legaltech #sixsigmaforlawyers #LPM #legalprocessimprovement #legalengineering