Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning for Electronic Discovery – Mike Bommarito Guest Lecture in Katz / Candeub Course

Yesterday I asked fellow Computational Legal Studies blogger Mike Bommarito to give an expert and fairly technical guest lecture in my e-Discovery seminar. Here is what Mike wrote over at his blog and the slides he generated for class are featured below.

“This seminar, taught jointly between Professor Daniel Martin Katz and Professor Adam Candeub, is an excellent example of MSU’s strategic pivot to deliver practical, 21st-century skills to their students. The goal of the talk was to provide students with the ability to understand and communicate with their discovery and predictive coding software vendors and service providers with respect to the underlying mechanics of predictive coding. It was a pleasure to present to these students, and I would encourage anyone interested to follow up by email with any questions they might have.”

Partner Seeking Help On E-Discovery – or – Why it is a Good Idea to Learn Something About E-Discovery Before You Commit Malpractice

This semester here at Michigan State University College of Law, I am team teaching E-Discovery together with my colleague Adam Candeub. For a number of reasons, I enjoyed this video as it highlights the real gap in knowledge that exists between the tech infused Lawyer for the 21st Century and everyone else. The future belongs to the former and the time to acquire those skills is now!