Very excited that our paper – ‘Sensitivity of Collective Outcomes Identifies Pivotal Components’ has now been published in the June Issue of The Journal of the Royal Society Interface. https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsif.2019.0873
Using the information geometry of minimal models from statistical physics, we develop an approach to identify pivotal components in wide variety of systems. We then apply this approach to a wide variety of empirical datasets including political voting, financial markets and social systems. We find remarkable variety from systems dominated by a median-like component to those without any single special component. Other systems (e.g., S&P sector indices) show varying levels of heterogeneity in between these extremes. Our information-geometric approach provides a principled, quantitative framework that may help assess the robustness of collective outcomes to targeted perturbation and compare social institutions, or even biological networks, with one another and across time.
#ComplexSystems #SocialPhysics #InformationGeometry #MedianVoter #Robustness #Sensitivity #Finance #PoliticalVoting